Contact Us

Got Questions?

Adelaide Campus

Contact Info

Level 5, 127 Rundle Mall, Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Australia

CRICOS Provider Code : 03133G
Registered Training Organisation Code : 40312

Melbourne Campus

Contact Info

209 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

CRICOS Provider Code : 03133G
Registered Training Organisation Code : 40312

International Representatives

Vietnam Representative

Kim Ioan Tranh

Philippines Representative

Myca Lavilla

East Asia Representative

Sandy Kam

Indonesia Representative

Jenar Dewi


Emergency Contacts

Emergency and Health Services

In Australia, the number 000 will connect you to emergency services
The operator will ask you where you are and what kind of service you require.


Emergency treatment and transport to hospital.

Fire Service

Fires in the Adelaide Metropolitan area.


Where you need a quick response from police, there has been a car accident, you are threatened or hurt in public or at home.

Medical treatment – not an emergency

It is a good idea to find a doctors practice near your home or in the city near our campus where you can go for medical treatments.

A search on the internet will help you identify a Medical Centre convenient for you.

Police – not an emergency

SAPOL - South Australian Police
You can call Police on 131 4 44
Or visit the website

Personal Support from us

If you want to speak to someone confidentially at our Institute about a personal matter,  call our reception and request an appointment or visit the campus and ask to speak with the Student Support Officer.
You can contact the institute by phone, email or wechat


There are phone services that can assist you in a crisis

If you can’t speak to someone you know about what is worrying you, please contact Lifeline today.
Call us 13 11 14 (24-hour crisis support)
Chat to a crisis supporter
Text with us on 0477 13 11 14

Working Rights and Conditions in Australia

There is a public service to help people understand their rights and obligations in the workplace.
You can use the Fair Work website for information

Phone Legal Services

Legal Services Commission of South Australia

Adelaide Institute of Business & Technology (AIBT)

Member of


CRICOS Code 03133G
Registered Training Organisation Code: 40312
ABN: 85 132 879 086

Adelaide International School

Adelaide Research Institute
Adelaide Institute Higher Education
Adelaide Independent Schools Alliance

Connect with us

Adelaide Campus (Main Campus)
Level 5, 127 Rundle Mall, Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Melbourne Campus
209 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

© Copyright AIBT 2025.
