Job Ready Training Program
AIBT's primary objective is to help you gain additional qualifications to get you into employment that makes you happy and provides you with exciting career prospects, allowing you to add value to your life and contribute positively to our fabulous South Australian and national economies.
We cater for all and specialise in accommodating the diverse needs of:
- Domestic upskilling for adults in areas where there are skilled shortages;
- Regional students;
- Students with a disability;
- Working with businesses and industry on Skilling South Australia Projects;
- Supporting students with literacy development and counselling support partners
Check Your Eligibility
You may be eligible for subsidised training if you live or work in South Australia, and you are:
- An Australian or New Zealand citizen, or
- A permanent Australian resident, or
- An eligible visa holder:
• Skilled – Work Regional (subclass 491)
• Skilled – Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489)
• Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (subclass 494)
• Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa, subclass 188
• Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV), subclass 790
• Bridging Visa E (BE), subclass 050 and 051
• Temporary Protection Visa (TPV), subclass 785
• Bridging Visa F (BVF), subclass 060
• Partner Visa (Temporary), subclass 820 and 309 - Visa holders on the following repealed provisional visas are also eligible for subsidised training:
• Skilled – Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489)
• Skilled – Regional Sponsored Visa (subclass 475)
• Skilled – Regional Sponsored Visa (subclass 487)
• Skilled Independent – Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 495)
• Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Permanent) Visa (subclass 187)
• Senior Executive (Provisional) Visa (subclass 161)
• Investor (Provisional) Visa (subclass 162)
• State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional) Visa, subclass 163
• State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional) Visa, subclass 164
• State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional) Visa, subclass 165
and are:
- 16 years or over and not enrolled at school, or
- 16 years or over, enrolled in school and undertaking training through the Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS), or
- Undertaking training through a training contract.
** You can enrol in a maximum of two subsidised courses at a time. **
Job Ready Programs Offered

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business

BSB30320 Certificate III in Legal Services

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)

BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business

BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business

BSB50120 Diploma of Business

22334VIC Certificate IV in Cyber Security

ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology

ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

ICT20120 Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies

ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology

ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support